Hong Kong Gamblers Recovery Centre
To Applause, to Gamble
Media Coverage
TV most HK Gamble. God , Wednesday, November 16.2016
Hong Kong Government News:
Varsity (Magazine of the School of Journalism and Communication, Chinese University of Hong Kong):
South China Morning Post:
Entire Fault

About Us
In recent years, lottery industry has been flourishing in Hong Kong, Macau, and everywhere in the world. It helps stimulate travelling industry and increase tax revenue. The popularity of stock markets makes investment become speculation. Globalization ties the world with communications. People can gamble on horse-racing or soccer-betting through the internet. Problem Gambling spreads and loans increases. Many people become pathological gamblers. Gambling and loans have distressed and harassed many families. One gambler can make the whole family suffer.
We set up this centre as a non-profit registered organization in Hong Kong in May, 2007. We pledge to help pathological gamblers and their families. Through the teaching of the Bible, we help the pathological gamblers to face difficulties with physical and spiritual power so that they can recover and rebuilt a healthy and normal life.